
Monday 5 August 2019

should plastic bags be banned from the shop

 Plastic bags should be banned from supermarkets/retail.
Do you want animals to live in a dirty environment full of pollution? I think plastic bags should be banned because they are a harm to the environment and animals.
Over 8 million plastic bags end up in the ocean each year. Only 80 percent make it to the dumb. In 1975 the National Academy of Science estimated that 14 billion pounds of garbage was being dumped in the ocean each year that's more than 1.5 pounds.s per hour. Since 1988 it has been illegal for ships to dump plastic in the ocean. Plastic bags can take up to 100,00 years to dissolve 
Once plastic bags have dissolved into the soil and ocean they let of dangerous chemicals that harm animals and the environment they can even cause death to land animals like birds they can also kill sea life as they mistake it for food and the chemicals can pollute the water.
 Plastic bags do not only pollute our water but also our land. So, in this case, I think we should not use plastic bags. Let's keep our planet clean and give our animals a safe and better life. Save our planet and animals.


  1. study well!!!!!

  2. Great stuff, Stevie! Your introduction has a rhetorical question and states your opinion.
    Your paragraphs develop your points before your conclusion wraps it all up. I like the imperative statement at the end (and the bold/underline was a nice touch)
    As a next step, you could add a paragraph on what we could use instead of plastic bags. (Alternative solution)


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