
Thursday, 21 November 2019

English ideal world

My ideal world would be. a happy place where everyone got along. my world would be unique because people would live it the way they wanted to live. our world would also be clean and fresh there would e mo such thing as pollution as we would look after our waterways and land and the water would be clear and blue with beautiful sea life living in the ocean. my world would also be a non-discrination world were people could be who they wanted to be without beying judged. 
my world would be fair. it wouldn't be a fairy tale or some dreamy world as its not possible. your world could be the world you wanted it to be if we started to look after the one we live in now and started to respect each other and live the way we wont to live without beying judged.
Image result for happy emojis pic"

1 comment:

  1. Wow great job Stevie that was so great. I like the no judging part.


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