
Friday 1 March 2019


Image result for supergirl and mon el

This year in english we are learning about anotherworld another divercity bye learning thie we are learning about how everyone should be treated the same and just couse they dont look like you they arnt necessarily bad.

A message from Supergirl, Welcome to Earth is that people should discriminate others on what they look like or were there from .This is because not everyone is the same and judging someone before you get to know them can make them feel bad and it will make you think badly about them. We saw this in the scene where supergirl judged mon-eli because of where he was from and because  she judged him it made him think badly and do bad things . This is why I think it is important to treat everyone the same no matter what. It makes me think about how others feel when they are being judged In an ideal world.


  1. Neat post, Stevie!
    I like that you wrote an introduction to your blog post, as well as putting in a picture.
    You wrote a clear explanation of the message from the show.
    I agree that things should be fair for everyone. You have explained this well.
    To improve your writing, you could have another look at your introduction. You've spelled "learning" wrong in the second line.

  2. thanks mr cairns


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