
Thursday 21 November 2019

English ideal world

My ideal world would be. a happy place where everyone got along. my world would be unique because people would live it the way they wanted to live. our world would also be clean and fresh there would e mo such thing as pollution as we would look after our waterways and land and the water would be clear and blue with beautiful sea life living in the ocean. my world would also be a non-discrination world were people could be who they wanted to be without beying judged. 
my world would be fair. it wouldn't be a fairy tale or some dreamy world as its not possible. your world could be the world you wanted it to be if we started to look after the one we live in now and started to respect each other and live the way we wont to live without beying judged.
Image result for happy emojis pic"
Why was the treaty needed
In 1830 there were 100k Māori and 200 Europeans living in New Zealand. The behaviour of the Whalers, the Missionaries’ desire to help protect Māori rights and the Musket Wars were reasons that a treaty was needed. The Declaration of Independence was another contributing factor to the need for a treaty.

One reason that a treaty was needed was the lawless behaviour of some of the British Settlers like whalers. This is important and is a reason why the treaty is important because when the whalers were big on  Prostitution, fighting, and diseases which can cause deaths. And the treaty, it can stop this from happening.

Another reason that a treaty was needed was to protect Māori rights. The missionary felt strongly about protecting the Maori because of the number of Maori beying killed and beying slaved around because of the musket wars and the pakeha salers violent behaviour and large land sales.  The missionaries helped the maoris with land sales and farming the Maori taught the missionaries there a way of living by teaching them there farming methods and how to shape humanitarian farming methods. The missionaries and Maori had a good relationship and the missionaries were great influences on the Maori and signing the treaty.

Another reason that a treaty was needed was the Musket Wars because during the wars people kept dying and taking over the land due to diseases fighting and prostitution. Another reason was that they were worried about there wellbeing. The treaty was needed during the musket wars as it helped stop them from occurring. Due to laws changing. 

The final reason that a treaty was needed was the existence of the Declaration of Independence. It was signed on October 28th 1835 this was signed for legal terms and trading laws. With the signing of the 52 chiefs, the Maori would have more power over there land and it also helped protect the Maori rights.  One thing wrong with the declaration of independence was that it only helped the Maori and not the other people who lived in the land.

In conclusion, a treaty was needed because it helped save the Maori. Before the treaty, the Maori were beying killed due to wars and they were also running out of the land due to the Europeans stelling their land I think a treaty is a good decision because it will help people with there lives and loved ones also New Zealand would not be the same without the treaty.

Thursday 14 November 2019

I saw this strength in the movie zootopia when Judy and nick  solved the case together and found out why the animals were going savage

this character strength was shown in the book blood of bones when they helped each other and didn't give up

this showed in the movie zootpopia when Nick forgave Judy for saying that all predators will go savage and Judy forgave nick for saying she was a dumb bunny  

This character trait was shown in Tarzan when he found a way to around the forest
It shows us that it is important to be creative because you can always find a different way to do things
I think that you can always learn from you mistakes  bye beying creative

I think this showed in the movie zootopia when Judy was being judged because she was a bunny and because she wanted to follow her dreams of being a cop

I think this strength showed in the movie Tarzan when he decided to stand up to the real world and talk to humans and to go be with them as he knew he wasn't an animal.


what causes a volcano to erupt 
magma rising to the earth surface and then builds up witch is when it erupted.
The biggest volcano in the world: 
                                            Tamu Massif  is the biggest volcano in the world
                                                  The deadliest volcano in the world:
                           The deadliest volcano is known to be Mount Vesuvius located in Italy

Thursday 7 November 2019

England and Scotland treaty

 what treaty have I researched
I have researched the treaty with England and Scotland

 how does this relate to the treaty Waitangi
I think they relate because they are both between the two countries.

my thoughts on Waitangi day and how it should be celebrated 
I think we should still celebrate it because it is a part of New Zealand and it was a really important day.

Thursday 31 October 2019

Maori European population changes over 1836-1901

Maori European population changes over 1836-1901

In the graph, it shows us that the population of Europeans increased and the Maoris decreased the numbers of Maori change because of transmitted diseases and fight the numbers of Europeans increased due to more ships coming in with means they had more power and more power and ships mean more land to take over.


Thursday 24 October 2019

product outcome 

the feedback I didn't try it  but others say it was good

improvement maybe be add more pasta less source

next steps: next time we should maybe cook less sauce ass we had too much. we should also add less salt to the sauce as everyone was saying it was salty

the task
our task was to make pasta

Wednesday 23 October 2019


This is how I would introduce myself in Te Reo Maori 
Ko Mt cook Toku Maunga 
Ko pacific ocean toku Moana 
Ko Wamakairi toku  awa   
Ko  car  toku waka 
Ko Canterbury toku rohe 
Ko  Jefferies toku iwi
Ko  Patrice koku toku hapu                     
Ko Stevie-lee  toku ingoa  

Tuesday 22 October 2019

English creative writing

 During the warm dark summer comfy nights in Florida. My siblings and I loved playing outside on the street. We would always play hide and go seek tag. We would hide in the most random places. I would always hide behind a car and wait till they leave then hide somewhere else thinking it was a good idea but I would always get caught. Every night before we left our mum and dad would warn us about cars driving by and people walking around the street at night. Even though we had never had a problem playing outside at night we still got warned just in case. 

One night we had just finished my favorite meal ever Chinese we went outside to play. We had been outside for a while playing and giggling but it's now time to go inside. We get ready to go inside and we heard sounds across the street it sounded like people screaming but we didn't worry about it we thought it was probably just other kids playing outside. so we started to walk up what we thought was our driveway as we got closer to the door we started to notice things. We started to notice and a black car in the driveway and the house was green like a green tree. We just thought it was like that because it was night time.  We got to the door and knocked on it as it was locked a man came to the door, this man had black hair was 7 feet tall and was very strong like the hulk. We then realized we were in the wrong place but it was too late to turn back. We tried to scream but nothing came out of our mouths before we knew it we were in his house trapped in a room. My brother had his phone so he tried to call the police but for some reason, it wouldn't go throw we didn't know what to do we were trapped I noticed there was a little door behind the bed I wondered what it was. I whispered to my siblings “look over there it might be a way out of here” we went and looked we opened the door and it was a little vent I decided to go threw and have a look and where it goes to. I finally got to the end of the vent and noticed that it lead to the outside gutter on the roof. I had to just had to tell my siblings I thought to myself were free we can get out of here. I go back and tell them. One by one we climb through the vent and helped each other out. we then saw the guy through the window but he didn't see us. 

Once we got out of the vent we found a bush and hid till we thought it was safe to run we had been hiding in the bush for at least a few hours. we then decided that we should run we ran as far as we could but we couldn't see much as it was really dark. We had been running for a few hours and finally made it home once we got home we went inside and saw our parents in the living room we tried to tell them about what happened but they just didn't believe us they just kept saying don't be silly yous have been playing outside all night and yous are just tired that's why your coming up with these nonsense stories. We tried our best to make them believe us but they just didn't so we gave up and went to bed. 

Monday 21 October 2019


discuss the idea op mythology/stories in religion and the role myths and roles and stories play in society
so the others can learn about it. it tells a story so you can learn about the religion. it can inspire people
it brings people together

what similarities are there between the myths and stories of Maori and the first British missionaries
they both have gods they are both connected with ancestors

why would difference Maori beliefs cause conflict
because they believe in different things

Thursday 26 September 2019



why did you choose this sequence
i  did this sequence because it was fun and not so hard to do

do you think you have In proved in this sequence and how yes? because my friends showed me how to do it and told me what to do which helped me

Monday 9 September 2019

oral presentations

 my presentation was about plastic bags and why they should be banned.  I am most proud about wrighting my speech the only challenge was saying my speech in front of the class without laughing because of what happened when we were practicing because of a certain word. next time I would try not to laugh during the presentation. I would also try adding more paragraphs.

Wednesday 4 September 2019

In textiles term 3 we have been doing a lot of different printing techniques getting ready for term 4. in term 4 we are designing our own printed piece of fabric to use for a design on something. this term we have learned how to use screen printing and stenciling we also learned about block printing my favorite so far if block printing because I had never done it before and I enjoyed ut the most.


Fun Facts about Egyptian
  • World's oldest dress was found here. ...
  • The Great Pyramids was not built by slaves.
  • Greater Cairo is the largest city in Africa and the Middle East.
  • There are 5 million Facebook users in Egypt.
  • The most popular sport in Egypt is football.

Thursday 29 August 2019

vegetarian sushi

product outcome
feedback: tasted realy good.
improvement: try adding different fillings.
how well our group worked Iza think our group worked really good together we helped each other and got along really well.
skills took turns at different things and helped each other knowing when someone needs help by communicating with them.
time management I think our time management was really good we were one of the first groups to finish cleaning and macking the product witch meant we were one of the first to leave

the task our task was to mack vegetarian sushi with carrot avocado capsicum wasabi and mayonnaise
once we got our ingrediants we then put the rice on the seaweed and spread the mayo on top we then placed the veggies in a row at the end of the roll and then rolled it up into a log we then cut it in half and ate it.
Image result for vegetarian sushi cut in half

Wednesday 28 August 2019

ancient Egyptian inventions

Ancient Egyptian Inventions
one of the ancient Egyptian inventions was wine because they believed the wine was good for them. the wine was made by grapes that had been spoiled and fermented creating fermented grape juice.

there was much different wine pressing way the main one they used was the bag were the grapes were pressed and squeezed witch was done with pols witch would turn in the opposite direction to each other they then placed a vat beneath the bag to collect the juice. another popular wine press was the foot press witch is when the workers usually men with their bare feet would crush and stomp on the grapes. 
they would support themselves by using ropes attached to the roof. some men were tall so that they could receive the juice on its way down the pipe that was connected to the strainer or the column.

 the juice would then be collected and stored for fermentation. once it was fully fermented it was then placed into amphorae and left to sit. sometimes the liquid would be heated by the fire and sometimes the sitting prosses would go for years to be completed.  they stored the wine in jars with a type of resin in the amphorae, this would help coat and protect the inside of the jars. this was believed not only to seal the jars and preserve the wine but it was thought that the coating with resin would also help with the flavor of the wine it's self. 

Image result for ancient Egyptian wine

Tuesday 27 August 2019

stone age art

stone age art is normally found in caves. stone age artist used natural pigments to paint deep inside natural caves most cave paintings can be found in France and Spain. the purpose of stone age art was for a ritual aimed  for bringing good luck to the hunters. stone age people invented tools out of wood and stone to survive 
our version of stone age art 
what we did 
first we used sand and glue to sand the wall to make it more of a cave we made a sketch of what stone age art is. we then used paint and our fingers and painted our design on the wall.

Thursday 22 August 2019

fish and chips

fish and chips is week 4 

team work aspects: i think my group worked really well together as we got a long and got things done

task: the task was to make fish and chips 

skills with in the group:my group was good at getting the job done and talking to each other and helping each other.

improvements: i think next time we should be care full about how much flavor we put on top of it.

time management: i think we managed  time really well and kept with in the time frame 

 product out come:i think the product out come was really good.
feedback: the chips were a bit hard maybe we should of kept cooking them for a few minutes longer.
tastes texture :the fish was good nice and soft cooked really good. the chips tasted great i really liked them.
next steps:adding less seasoning  on the chips as it was overpowering a little bit . i think next time we should make a cone out of cardboard as the paper  was to soggy due to the heat of the chips.
Image result for fish and chips in a cone

Tuesday 20 August 2019

technology and change

in social studies we have been learning about the negative and positive side of technology change after we did the positive side we moved on to the negative side and had to track how much we spend on our devices. then we had to do a timeline on cell phones and how they changed over 1973-2017. 

Monday 5 August 2019

should plastic bags be banned from the shop

 Plastic bags should be banned from supermarkets/retail.
Do you want animals to live in a dirty environment full of pollution? I think plastic bags should be banned because they are a harm to the environment and animals.
Over 8 million plastic bags end up in the ocean each year. Only 80 percent make it to the dumb. In 1975 the National Academy of Science estimated that 14 billion pounds of garbage was being dumped in the ocean each year that's more than 1.5 pounds.s per hour. Since 1988 it has been illegal for ships to dump plastic in the ocean. Plastic bags can take up to 100,00 years to dissolve 
Once plastic bags have dissolved into the soil and ocean they let of dangerous chemicals that harm animals and the environment they can even cause death to land animals like birds they can also kill sea life as they mistake it for food and the chemicals can pollute the water.
 Plastic bags do not only pollute our water but also our land. So, in this case, I think we should not use plastic bags. Let's keep our planet clean and give our animals a safe and better life. Save our planet and animals.

Tuesday 30 July 2019

social studies research

in social studies  we are learning about career,s. so it can help us in our  future life's. for this topic our teacher gave us a random job and we had to work out our money and our housing and transport for the rest of our life's. we got the option to flat with each other or to do it by our self's.

my job is a crane operator.

now that i have worked out my tax and kiwi saver i have to work out my housing and car.

Thursday 25 July 2019

Aboriginal Boomerangs

Aboriginal Boomerangs

In social studies, we have been learning about the stolen generation and getting to know about aboriginal culture. first, we had to do research then we got to make a boomerang using the designs from the Aboriginal art and using their coultrule colors. The first  Australian Aboriginal Boomerangs first originated in Europe over ten thousand years ago there are up to 3 different types of boomerangs they used and they all are used for different things.
I really enjoyed learning about the Aboriginal Boomerangs because they all have different meanings and i liked learning about there culture and how they did things
Image result for aboriginal symbols

Monday 22 July 2019

English: Another World - Diversity.

Write about stories you have studied and how they reflect the real world.

James Cameron’s Avatar could be connected to humans destroying natural habitats where animals/other humans are already living.

The Willow Maid by Erutan could be connected to people respecting other decisions.

Disney’s Tarzan helped me to understand that you shouldn't judge people because they are different from you.

CW’s Supergirl, Welcome to Earth made me think about not making someone feel bad because of where they are from

Disney’s Zootopia could be connected to humans giving other humans second chances.

Friday 5 July 2019

my food bag

my food bag
fried rice
who was your profile target:  teenage vegetarian
what was your recipe decision based on I thought everyone
½  red capsicum
2c rice (is this the amount for the raw rice??)
2 eggs and 1t water plus seasonings (for the omelet)
2T canola oil
1 ½ c mixed veggies ( peas, corn, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower)
Soy sauce (to taste)
¼  cabbage (finely shredded)

  1. Cook rice in boiling water for 20min. Could cook the day before for better results 
  2. In a bowl whisk eggs and 1t water with a fork until blended 
  3. Put 1t oil into a frying pan. Pour in the egg mixture and cook for an omelet. Remove cooked omelet from pan and put on to a plate. Cut into thin strips. Cover with foil. 
  4. Add remaining oil to the pan and add mixed veggies, capsicum, and cabbage. Stir fry and allow to cook for 3-5 min
  5. Once veggies cooked, add rice. Stir fry until rice is hot and well blended with the vegetables.
  6. Add soy sauce and carefully mix through. Adjust to taste. Adding a little Sweet Chilli Sauce is delicious
  7. Gently fold omelet through the Vegetable Fried Rice and allow to heat through 
  8. Serve and enjoy!!!!

how it fits into the nutritional model of the dinner plate It fits because it has lots of healthy vegetables and good protein.
what changes did you make during the 2 practical sessions the second round we added curry powder and precooked the rice but found it didn't work as well course the rice was to dry but I recommend trying it?
why did you make those changes because we wanted to see if it would tast better and add more flavor what were the positive things about your final practical We put out a dish that everyone enjoyed and had positive feedback about.
describe 2 things that you learned in this semester I learned how  health and safety in the kitchen and also learned how to divide recipes  when needed to

Tuesday 25 June 2019

Children of The Blood and Bones Essay 2019

In the story, Children of the Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi an important idea is about second chances and forgiveness. This idea relates to the story when Zelie didn't know if she could forgive Amari or trust Amari because of what her father did.

The first scene I will be talking about is chapter 13-Zelie.
In this chapter, Zelie was talking to train and questioning if she could forgive Amari or even trust Amari to help her for what Amari's father did.
  I want to trust her No, you don’t.  Well, even if I did, I can’t. Her father ordered the Raid. Her brother burned down our village. What makes you think she’s any different. A message I take from this scene is that you shouldn’t judge people because of the family they come from.  This could be compared to forgive and second chances as when Zelie is scared that Amari will be just like her father but I think everyone deserves a second chance.

The second scene that relates to Forgiveness / Second Chances is chapter 45 when Zelie  “Your people, your guards. They’re nothing more than killers, rapists, and thieves. The only difference between them and criminals is the uniforms they wear."  A message I got from this is that just because someone is different and does \different things to you it doesn't mean they are all like that we are all the same. This relates to the real world because people judge others by what they look like and from there past .but in reality, we are all the same, we are all unique and all have our own personality but we are all humans.

Friday 31 May 2019

Art Magazine Design

This term in art we are learning about magazine design. Each group has different topic-page that we have to design. my group had the topic WHERE YOU ARE FROM: HAUKAINGA. we then made thumbnail sketches of what we wanted our design to look like. then use illustrator to put our sketches on to and form the design.

we found an image on google that matched the outline of our thumbnail sketch and used it for an idea on what we want our page to look like. we then created our own and made it creative by putting a border around the sides but decided that it wasn't working for us and we were going to try something different. as that is what we are doing for our next step. 

Does your design reflect your thumbnail sketches so far?
yes we even tried to add more on to the design to be more creative

Does your design reflect the feeling of your topic?
once we add photos I think it will a bit more.

Do you know where your leading lines are?
not yet but we are still trying to figure it all out

Do you know what your focal point is?
yes our focal point is the title as it is the main part of our topic

Tuesday 21 May 2019

social studies

It all started on  May 6th, 1822 in Britten was one of the most unwanted places for people to live.  There was poor communication, it was very unsanitary and there housing was terrible people lived in houses that were so close together you could hear your neighbors conversation. No one liked living there so mum and dad decided that the day had come they had been searching and searching for the right place for us to move and they found a perfect place it had great communication and the country was so much cleaner and it had way better housing. I was so excited to move but also scared. because what if it wasn't the way people thought it was or say it is what if they don't like us. Mum thought I was over exaggerating it but didn't think so. The next day it was my birthday I turned 15  and also the day my family and I were moving to New Zealand. It was going to take us 75-120 day to get there I was excited to get on the ship because my dad was going to be the captain. He loves boats my mum was going to be the cook she makes amazing food. I ran on the boat so fast I nearly fell in the water all I could hear was my mum yelling at me to slow down but I couldn't I really wanted to see my cabin and get set up. I was so excited to see the cabin because it’s on the nice rich side of the ship there was a nice comfortable bed and it was so nice and warm.

It was day 75. I woke up to the sound of thunder and rain and the warmth of my cabin. I laid there for a bit wanting to get up but mum said I had to wait till she got into my cabin before I was allowed to get up for breakfast.finally it was time to eat I got on my big fluffy robe and my nice comfortable slippers and went down to the dining room. I waited for my breakfast patiently that morning on the menu I choose pancakes with chocolate chips and syrup on top. After breakfast I went down to the showers and got ready for the day. As I was walking back to my room I bumped into a boy his name was Harry Styles. He was a 15-year-old boy and instantly we became good friends and even started dating.  Today was day 99 of the trip we still had 21 days left on the trip me and Harry were having so much fun together we would always play board games and go swimming together we decided to move in to the same cabin as we always had sleepovers and we were best friends I also had a spare bed in my room that was practically his as he always slept in it.

It was day 120 the last day of our journey I was so excited because my mum was making me and harry a special breakfast and we finally get to go to New Zealand. After breakfast, we got into the showers and got dressed. My mum came into the cabin and told me and harry to pack up our things and clean the cabin harries mum was staying in the house next to our in new we were always going to see each other which made us even more excited. Finally, it was time to leave the boat we all lined up ready to get off the boat. We finally got off and the first person I saw was a policeman as he was there to make sure we all got off safely. My first thought was wow people are so nice here. We then made it to our house it was so nice I had a big room on one side of the house and my mum and dad had a room on the other side of the house it was way better and cleaner than Britten and we had so much room our house was so big I was in shock. I had to check out Harry's house so I ran next door as the houses were so far apart I went into his house and his house was so big as well and looked so different.

The next few months we enjoyed life in New Zealand the only sad thing was is that I got sick I had a heart condition and Only had a few months to live my family was so supportive and so was my best friend harry he would come over every day after school just to see how I was going and if I needed anything. The last few days came the days before I would carry my journey to heaven I had to stay in hospital so they could monitor me harry stayed with me as he promised he would be there by my side till the end. I wrote a letter to my family and friends to say how much I loved them that was hard. harry's letter was so hard to write as I didn't want to leave him but I knew I had to. It was my last day here the hospital told my family that it was time for me to go they came in and said goodbye but it was too late...